Funny. Never heard of it. Opened your article absentminded not even knowing what it is about. Then saw the newspaper article saying she is beautiful and clicked on it. Looked at the photos and thought "not really for me." Then l

I noticed how she stands and I thought: She is missing femininity, she stands like a bloke. Just the body language.

Then I went back to your article and learned about all.the rumors. Why isn't she coming out now, I wonder. But then, maybe people would start digging at the true beginnings of all this trans stuff. Maybe it started with Michael in the White House and was deeply personal? Just wondering.

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It’s not unreasonable to assume she’s a very masculine woman, however, it would be difficult for a tranny to give birth to two daughters, even if the external organs had been modified, never heard of a tranny woman who has a uterus.

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Therein lies the problem. There are zero pictures, ergo no evidence, of this person ever being pregnant or giving birth. Strange.

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This is "hearsay", but the rumor I heard is as follows - and I got NO EVIDENCE to back this up - tis nothing but a rumor from a source possibly trustworthy - so why not on this article long in the tooth that somebody reminded me about.....

~~~~~ the rumor ~~~~~

The parents of the Obama kids are known. Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbit

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Michael has of course not been pregnant. Mr. & Mr. Obama’s “daughters” real parent’s names are Martin Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard Nesbitt.

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Google pics of Muhammad Subud. Next to Barack. Subud was a cult around when BO was born. His Mother was in the cult. This might come as a shock to many but cult leaders often sleep with their devotees.

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Seriously? There are no pictures at all? No nurses were at the hospital? Seems like this would be a perfect article for an investigative journalist.

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It would be a great article if any journalists had the testicular fortitude to open that can of worms.

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Uh....when you say "testicular fortitude" I assume you are speaking allegorically?

Cause any chick could do it as well - and you want my opinion - the evidence is STRONG - it is a linebacker - and a male.

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I definitely didn't mean that literally. Though I know some women who have more courage than most men. I don't know what to think about Big Mike, but what I do know is that the Obamas are willing tools used in the deliberate destruction of America.

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Also, a lot of people don’t have photos taken when their babies are born. My wife and I have five children and we didn’t take any photos of the actual births. We have pictures after the babies were born and she is holding them and looking wiped out. But no pictures of the kids actually coming out of her. That said, there were quite a few witnesses to the birth of my children who I could bring out if I had to. And this is with kids who were born at home.

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My fave pic of my wife is the moment before we went to the hospital for her to give birth. A beautiful smile, huge round belly, stark naked. Nicest pic ever. Everyone has pics of being pregnant.

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We don’t have to see a birthing pic but how about a pic of her pregnant?

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Testicular fortitude

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You have no idea!

The Nesbitts are the parents of Malia and Sasha. Look it up.

Mike admits to IVF, and the Nesbitts even delivered the babies. Plus, the Nesbitts traveled with the Obama’s everywhere.

Look it up and you’ll see who the Obama girls actually resemble.

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This has been proven the two girls were not the Obama’s children, basically we all have been duped. The children belong to longtime friends of theirs, evidence of this is the girls look like the biological parents. Do your research MSM has done all it can to cover up their lies, that would include the phony Birth certificate.

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What makes you think "she" gave birth? So you assume the kids are "hers" then?

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Yeah, that's great. Michael is buff as fuck!

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Meantime, Barack needs a manziere!

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The telltale bulge in Michelle’s pants could in some cases be from a sanitary napkin. Those things can move around a bit in use, necessitating a discreet shove back into place…but they are not pendulous or wiggly, as Michelle’s bulge sometimes is.

There’s also Barack’s written admission in 1982 that he fantasized about sex with men every day:


Therefore, if Michelle had started out as Michael, it would have posed no problem for Barack, and might have been a plus.

There’s also the fact that Michelle was unable to become pregnant and had to resort to IVF. There are a couple of photos where Michelle looks pregnant, though, so this might not be significant.

Even my most skeptical friend has to concede that Michelle is an outlier in height and build. She dwarfs anybody she stands next to.

If Michelle is a tranny, she is one of the more convincing ones. Most male-to-female tyrannies don’t look, talk, or move like women at all. Michelle makes strategic fashion choices (given what she has to work with) and she has also mastered feminine bitchiness and self-absorption. The fact that she merely has people wondering, instead of laughing out loud, is sort of a triumph.

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no ladies wear white when they bleed...even a tampon is risky

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Simple when Mikes mother died she left her house to her son Michael not his stage name Michelle, and people are still wondering why the big mystery at the pond at the Vineyard. Somebody big did in the chef, maybe Barry’s dream for tasting the chefs salami went a little to far. Those two are as thick as thieves, all will be revealed.

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Many Gays have mastered the same trait of bitchy self-absorption.

Seems Mike is merely man with some feminine traits and a strong desire to identify as a woman.

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Absorption. LOL

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Something was definitely bouncing around in ‘her’ pants. No wonder Obama made such a big huge deal when an Athlete would come out as gay. Whoop de do 😩 Guess it made him feel better. Oh and definitely put rainbow colors on White House when gays could marry. Wonder when they were officially married ??? Since this is Obama’s third term, suddenly trans is the big movement.

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His mom was a mad socialist mess. (You should see Bilbos stack pics, lol). Enough to give anyone mommy AND daddy issues for life. Now, about that citizenship and birth certificate...

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No, all video (and other) evidence is a “cheap fake.” Watch the original full resolution video of Michelle on the Ellen Show. Actually she was on twice. So she’s tall and not too curvy. But other than that, feminine in every way.

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I don’t watch Ellen so I’ll accept your response as truth. It sure did look real tho. Obamas both need all the criticism thrown at their egotistical self-centered selves.

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Best of Michelle Obama on the Ellen Show, official channel. https://youtu.be/kePs9x91BEI

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How do we know what’s the original at this point? Seems impossible to me

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Well none of those “analysis” videos are original sources. Where did they claim to get their source material from?

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From the same storage area as the moon landing. Are you not realizing the point of this discussion?

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alinsky #4 & #5.

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Lol. Was just going to add :)

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3. 13. whatever it takes.

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Joan Rivers died over this truth.

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Killary is an amateur. The Pros work for Langley.

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We all know it!

R.I.P. Joan Rivers.

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Another See Eye A Hit

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NOW we know!

(funny, I always thought this was common knowledge. America embraced gay marriage decades ago, along with gender bending surgery when desired or needed for public consumption. For Pete's sake, they sell "tucks" in the impulse racks at the front of Target)

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What? Big Mike?


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Here's what I found on social media. M. Obama is the opening speaker for the illegal DNC Convention. How they shoved Biden to the curb after using him for these last 4 yrs is illegal.

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Dear Cock of Micheal: LOL

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Big Mike . How disgusting.

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You know Big Mike handles his business at home.

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If that’s a photoshop, it’s a damn good one. I’ve used that tool for years and can usually find the discrepancies. The AI getting confused is also interesting.

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I hope the Obamas stay in Hawaii. I don’t know about you - but what happened at Lahaina - the fires of it - that demands a root cause analysis transparent.

And the fires happening in the panhandle of Tejas - I consider them suspect as well.

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